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Godrej Housing Finance Logo



Godrej Housing Finance is the Godrej group's nascent foray into the domain of financial services. Born out of a legacy and with a combination of their digital-first and innovative start-up culture, we've been building the Talent brand for the company through a LinkedIn first strategy for over a year.

Overhead lamp

Objective and Execution

Godrej Housing Finance is a unique blend of the Group legacy and the start-up culture. Our main goal through each campaign was to position GHF as a brand that consistently puts diversity, inclusion, innovation and their people first. To set them apart in the housing finance space and attract the right talent, we leveraged their digital-first strategy and people philosophy to showcase their exemplary work culture, policies and value proposition. 


Through thought leadership articles, each of their leaders were positioned to reflect their strategic, yet empathetic approach when welcoming fresh perspectives aimed at enhancing their people management efforts. 


With the aim of enhancing employee engagement, we ran internal communications and drove digital hiring campaigns to involve employees in the employer branding process.


During Quarter 2, we showcased GHF as a brand that values inclusion at work, is led by a diverse set of leaders, focuses on women empowerment and believes in investing wholeheartedly in their people philosophy.

Campaign 1- Creating A More Equal World

True inclusion requires a holistic understanding what employees, customers, stakeholders and our society values. And this is exactly what GHF excels at.

GHF Equality Creative 1
GHF Equality Creative 2
GHF Equality Creative 3

Keeping in tune with the theme for Women’s Day 2020, the #EachForEqual campaign reflected GHF’s commitment to equal opportunities, equal growth and equal success. And although it was topical in nature, Women’s Day is celebrated every single day at GHF through their continued efforts to hire exceptional women in Sales and Engineering roles, offer curated opportunities to women who are currently on a career break and be home to more than 50% of women employees. 

Campaign 2 - Living The Godrej Philosophies

Practicing what they preach and leading the way are GHF’s very own Management Committee team that embody these Godrej Philosophies.

GHF Marathon
GHF Logos
GHF Equality Creative 4

The three Godrej philosophies- Your Canvas, Tough Love and Whole Self were showcased to celebrate diversity in opportunity, draw attention to a host of careers at GHF and carry forward the Group legacy by implementing them every day. This required a display of the brand’s philosophy to building culturally diverse teams that respect each other’s opinions and creating psychologically safe workplaces for everyone.

Campaign 3 - Winning Together, Winning Every Day

Having a strong sense of who they are and what they stand for played a crucial role in helping GHF move seamlessly into the work from home structure.

GHF Leaders Bookshelves 1
GHF Leaders Bookshelves 2
GHF Winning together

The leadership campaign kicked off by introducing the backbone of GHF- their Management Committee, followed by highlights on the importance of driving L&D across hierarchies and departments. It finished off strong with a workshop where the GHF leaders bonded while visioning the organization's purpose and adding their personal touch to the GHF values.


During Quarter 3, we focused on shedding light on GHF’s official work from home and COVID guidelines, prioritizing mental well-being, their virtual hiring campaign and launching the #EqualOpportunities hiring campaign to invite talented women candidates to apply for range of roles.

Campaign 1 - GHF At Home

With the best interests of everyone in mind, GHF functioned harmoniously in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

GHF Social distancing
GHF Work from home guidelines 1
GHF Take leave

Since working from home has been a confusing change for everyone, this campaign talked about ways to make work and life easier for everyone by outlining an official a set of WFH guidelines that included needing a break when their employees needed, taking a day off and scheduling virtual meetings within working hours only. 


Connect. Communicate. Collaborate was the GHF motto during the lock-down to ensure that work continues, a sense of normalcy remains, and that the entire team stays engaged and secure.

Campaign 2 - Virtual Opportunities, Real Bonding

GHF’s continued efforts to do what they we can to make new joiners feel truly at home and take on their new responsibilities was reflected in the sheer number of applications they received during the Digital Hiring Drive.

GHF Hiring creative 2
GHF Hiring creative 1
GHF Hiring creative 4

This campaign was testament to GHF’s ability to seamlessly adapt to the new normal and carry out digital hiring by posting frequent job opportunities and career updates across Mumbai, Bangalore and Pune. GHFites who got hired during virtually also shared their stories in the form of employee testimonials. The aim of the campaign was to ensure that inductions during the lock-down did not feel too different from the normal.

Campaign 3 - Equal Opportunities – Women Hiring Drive

This goes to show that although people were restricted to their homes, GHF ensured that they were not restricted to the world of opportunities.

GHF Hiring creative women
GHF Hiring creative 3

The women-only hiring drive was launched with the aim of welcoming exceptional women candidates to the GHF family. In support of GHF’s commitment to women in leadership, diversity and inclusion. The campaign provided #EqualOpportunities to make the most of the new normal and encourage qualified women candidates to apply.


During Quarter 4, we discussed key areas including the ideal work-life balance, the induction and onboarding process at GHF and rounded it off with a deep dive in to the GHF values and their newly launched purpose statement.

Campaign 1 - Blending Work-Life: The GHF Way

GHF grew not only in numbers but also in strength and solidarity. They welcomed new members into the world of finance and raised a toast to grow bigger, stronger and mightier!

GHF Work from home testimonial 1
GHF Work from home guidelines 2

The work life balance campaign was designed to highlight the importance of enjoying life at work by enjoying life outside of work as well. Even with the lockdown and social distancing measures in place, work life integration involves eating well, sleeping well, and spending time unwinding. ‘Take a break when you need it and refresh like you mean it’ was the GHF lock-down motto.

Campaign 2 - A Record Number of New Hires!

Crisis situations much like the pandemic demand agility, flexibility and a commitment to value systems. The GHF way encompasses 6 values- TRUST, COLLABORATE, BE BOLD, SHOW RESPECT, BE ENTREPRENEURIAL and BE CUSTOMER OBSESSED.

GHF Work from home testimonial 3
GHF Work from home testimonial 4

With the immense success of the Digital Hiring Drive, this campaign aimed to highlight the virtual induction and onboarding process at GHF, packed with employee stories and a smooth transition to using digital platforms across the company. The highlight of the campaign was appreciating that digital tools increased efficiency and aiming to growing GHF in the way that works best for the situation.

Campaign 3 - Here’s Who We Are and What We Do

GHF created a brand identity that speaks for itself. They made a record number of virtual offers, seamlessly migrated teams to connect, collaborate innovate digitally and engaged with teams in a way that reflected the true spirit and legacy of the Godrej Group.

GHF Values
GHF Work from home testimonial 2
GHF Collaboration
GHF Word Puzzle

This month-long campaign focused on the 6 GHF values that are at the very heart what makes them a force to reckon with. Each week, one value was showcased along with a power-packed testimonial from a Managing Committee Leader. These testimonials connected the audience with GHF’s Leaders on a personal level and positioned the brand as leaders in the housing finance space.

Internal Communications Efforts

Purpose and Values Mailers

In order to drive home the message of each value and highlight the GHF purpose statement, internal communication in the form of informative mailers were shared with the GHF teams. To create excitement around Workplace activities held on Friday’s, a teaser mailer was created to encourage participation.

GHF Values Workplace Activities

Every Friday, an engagement activity was uniquely designed for the Workplace to facilitate team bonding and encourage a fun learning environment. A snapshot of these activities included The GHF Treasure Hunt, GHF Pictionary and GHF Riddles.

*During employee interview calls, a handful of team members specifically mentioned enjoying these quirky activities

GHF Riddle Mailer
GHF Photography day Mailer
GHF Wordoku Mailer

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